– The RIMA Alliance was initiated from the RIMA EU-project. The project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824990
The RIMA network has in total 8 mill EUR to support European companies in developing and demonstrating new robotics (and drone) technologies within inspection and maintenance. The objective of this brokerage event is to introduce end user challenges, explain how SMEs can benefit from the up-to 150k EUR per consortium opportunity offered by RIMA in a second call for proposals which opened December 2020.
During this event, we would also like to offer you the opportunity to pitch your ideas for possible proposals. This might help you in forming a consortium! You will also have a chance to network with participants.
13.30 Welcome and introduction to RIMA
13.40 RIMA 2nd Open Call Presentation
13.55 Challenges in Water Domain by Andrea Rubini, Water Europe
14.05 Challenges in Nuclear Domain by Nathan Paterson, FORATOM
14.15 Challenges in Transport Routes and Buildings by Thierry Goger, FEHRL
14.30 Pitches
14.45 Networking
15.00 Close of Event
Link to the event:
Microsoft Teams meeting
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What is the second RIMA call for proposals?
RIMA will support Robotics Innovation Experiments (RIE) which includes developing, testing and validating the technical and economic viability of a robotic system prototype to be demonstrated in an operational environment.
There are several good reasons why SMEs or slightly bigger companies (up to 2x the size of a SME) should apply to the 2nd call:
More information about the call is available at this link.
Why to join the Info session?
This session will guide interested companies towards the application to the call and our intention is to:
We want to give you the opportunity to pitch your idea for a proposal and to get others to join your consortium. For this, you can register for a pitch via email (maximum: 2 minutes). If you want to use this opportunity, please let us know by emailing info@rima-network.eu-robotics.net. If you would like to use slides for your pitch as well, please include them in your mail.
The deadline to register for a pitch and to provide slides is: 26-02-2021 – 11:30 AM CET.
Start date: 26 February 2021
Start time: 13:30
End date: 26 February 2021
End time: 15:00
– The RIMA Alliance was initiated from the RIMA EU-project. The project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824990
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