University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering
DIGIHALL is led by an RTO (CEA LIST) and an industry cluster (SYSTEMATIC), who federate the different actors in the hub, spanning academia and education providers, venture capital, incubators, and testbeds / affiliate programmes aimed at accelerating the pace of technology adoption and value creation.
DIGIHALL members are also active in the efforts to build and work with European digital platforms, making them available to industry partners to ease the deployment of new technology.
The DIH is supported by the Regional Government of Ile-de-France and enshrined in its Smart Industry strategy.
The DIH includes a network of competence centres in the following areas:
– Artificial Intelligence
– Cyberphysical Systems and IoT
– Cybersecurity
– High-Power Computing
– Additive Manufacturing
– Control and Non-Destructive Testing
– Robotics
In the case of the Robotics Competence Centre, DIGIHALL relies on the RIF@Paris-Saclay Robotics Innovation Facility, active at European level since 2013 through the ECHORD++ initiative.
University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering
Innovation Centre Nikola Tesla
E-Civis Association
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics
TNO / i-Botics
DLR (German Aerospace Center)
Consorzio C.R.E.A.T.E.
– The RIMA Alliance was initiated from the RIMA EU-project. The project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824990
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